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Advanced Call Center Training

T1. The Types of Calls: This topic will provide an overview of cold calls, overcoming call reluctance, dealing with gatekeepers, and warm calls.

T2. The Call Script: This topic will provide an overview of cold call scripting, the components of the cold call script, tips for developing an effective script, and cheat sheets.

T3. Customers and Change: This topic will provide an overview of changing customers, how to offer extraordinary service, customer wants, and up-selling.

T4. Negotiations: This topic will provide an overview of negotiation skills, the phases of negotiation, how to successfully prepare, exchanging information, bargaining, commitment and closing.

T5. Types of Negotiations: This topic will provide an overview of the types of negotiation, integrative/distributive negotiations, inductive/deductive negotiations, alternative dispute resolution, and non-negotiable positions and options.

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